* All rare drops have been released and made easier.
* The first drop has been completely released.
* Drop limit:
- Pa/Ma: 39% - Mr/Dr/hit: 91%
* Enchanting and Stones limit:
- Pa/Ma: 27% - Mr/Dr/hit: 63%
* Remember:
- Enchanting: you can mix Stats.
- Stones: only keeps one stat, deletes the previous one.
* Rep limit: 6k.
* PowerBbh has been enabled on the following Bosses:
- Abaddon, HellAbaddon, BlackWyvern.
* PowerBbh has been enabled on Tower of Hell Mobs.
* New Quest x items.
* New Items in Trade Ek.
* New Items in Trade Coins.
* DeathMatch Event:
- Killing yourself will discount your kills.
* Ghost Abaddon added to ML.
Staff Helbreath Argentina.
Working for your enjoyment!
December v14 Update!
Maintenance December v14!
* TradeEk prices were lowered.
- Considerably.
* Connection Lost was fixed.
- Many people were getting lost due to quick map changes.
* DeathMatch event fixed.
- If you kill yourself, only deaths will count.
* Power Items for Rebirth were enabled.
- Only up to lvl 20 of rebirth.
* Top Death was removed.
- Many people don't fight because they don't appear in this top.
* AntiSpeed and AntiHack were improved.
- New checks.
- Anyone who uses any speed will be penalized.
* Rebirth ...
HB ARG v14 Update!
* Rebirth level increased, up to +30.
* Drops and stones limit
- Pa/Ma: 21% - Mr/Dr/hit: 49%
* Enchanting limit
- Pa/Ma: 24% - Mr/Dr/hit: 56%
* Rep limit: 5k.
* Pretend corpse enabled.
* Enchanting was removed from the bag.
- Only with shortcut "control + G"
* Hero capes were enabled to add stats to them.
- With Enchanting and Stones.
- These capes will no longer change cities with the change city.
* Being able to take the quest panel to another map was enabled.
* Direct ...